beyond your subjects

Interdisciplinary Praxis Area

The interdisciplinary praxis area (ÜPB) enables all Bachelor students of the Faculty of Arts to acquire key qualifications that complement their own studies in a subject-specific and interdisciplinary manner.

Tips & Information

  • The interdsciplinary praxis area (ÜPB) is divided into eight sub-areas (plus foreign languages), from which modules with the amount of up to 12 credit points can be freely selected, i.e. according to individual's interest and, if applicable, professional objective. This minimum of 12 credit points can be awarded after you participate in two courses of the ÜPB, each of which comprises 6 credit points.
  • The interdsciplinary praxis area is addressed to all Bachelor students of the Faculty of Arts.
  • Modules of the ÜPB cannot be selected if they are already anchored in the other module provided by the respective degree programme.
  • Principlally, it is impossible for native speakers to choose language modules of the ÜPB in their native language.
  • There are a limited number of spots which can be offered in some tutorials. Usually many students have to compete for limited places in some language modules. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee of a place. It is therefore possible that you will not get enrolled in your favourite course in your favourite semester. However, many current teaching schedules will continue in the coming semesters.
  • In addition, no more than 12 credit points can be acquired in the extracurricular practical area. However, if there are free places, you can attend courses without earning credit points. This also applies to graduate students in a Master's degree programme. Upon request, we will issue a certificate of attendance at the end of the semester.

1Foreign languages

The modules are based on the courses offered by the Language Learning Centre and the Classical Philology. It is possible to learn both ancient and modern foreign languages. In addition to the respective lexis and grammar, the focuses of the courses on ancient languages are above all the preparation of translations and the transmission of basic knowledge of the cultures. Regarding modern languages, students acquire the ability of communicating actively in addition to the lexical and grammatical knowledge of the respective language.

Intercultural competences

The module focuses on intercultural interaction processes, diversity and multilingualism. The courses provide students with theoretical insights into concepts of culture, identity, cultural exchange and intercultural dynamics. On the other hand, practical training teaches key competences for communication and cooperation in contexts of cultural diversity - for example in areas of professional life.

Career orientation - Work place - Professional practice

The courses focus on the applicabilities of humanistic disciplines and competences. Students gain insights into potential work areas ranging from personnel and organisational development, PR and public relations to activities in the cultural sector. At the same time, opportunities for entering work places as well as relevant strategies from self- and time management to leadership skills will be taught .  

Cultural management and education

The courses offered in this module deal with a range of topics of cultural practice and its theorisation across disciplines. The content includes tasks of marketing, management and moderation in professional fields in the cultural sector, such as museums, theatres or cultural administration. Other courses, on the other hand, deal with the forms and styles as well as the developments and historical transformation processes of literature, visual arts, music and performance in a manner which is determined by cultural sciences.

Media and IT competences

Students can acquire additional qualifications in the areas of media and IT in this module. In the predominantly practical work of the courses and workshops, the focus is on web-based forms of information, digital image and text design but also specific IT applications (web design). In the process, students learn to combine the contents and methods of the humanities and cultural studies courses with digital applications and social networks.

Interdisciplinary techniques of scientific work

Academic work requires interdisciplinary knowledge of literature and material research, forms of presentation and discourse as well as strategies for written work. The workshops and courses therefore teach central competences as well as techniques and methods of academic writing, presenting and lecturing.

Creativity techniques

The module bundles events for creative work, from digital image and text design to forms of theatre presentation to writing novels, poetry or poetry slams. Individually or in teamwork, the courses enable students to develop and realise ideas. In this way, students acquire qualifications beyond theoretical-analytical thinking and acquire creative strategies that they can use in potential professional fields.

Transdisciplinary theory and method formation

The courses offered are designed to strengthen the inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation of the humanities degree programmes. Accordingly, the courses offer interdisciplinary topics from different disciplines, with which students are primarily introduced to research-based learning and networked work.

Civil society engagement

The module aims to encourage students to act responsibly as future leaders of society. To this end, the courses offer workshops on language and cultural mediation work for immigrants. Likewise, voluntary activities that the students have carried out in cultural and social institutions can be credited. The aim is to acquire skills in project development as well as coordination and management in socially relevant areas.

BASIS - course catalogue

You can find the ÜPB courses on BASIS under the item "Überfachlicher Praxisbereich der Bachelorstudiengänge der Philosophischen Fakultät".

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Module handbook

In the handbook you can find detailed information about the ÜPB modules.

Learn more »45

Recent Projects

Writers' Workshop I: The Novel Workshop

"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." - Stephen King

In the application-oriented workshop "Authors' Workshop I: The Novel Workshop", the focus is on working on the students' individual novel projects. To this end, they deal with different methods and techniques of literary storytelling: dramaturgical plot structures, character development of literary figures or different narrative forms. With the help of these theoretical basics, the students can independently work out which technical means are suitable for their own novel idea. In addition, in practical sessions, excerpts from all the students' novel projects are read and discussed together in order to put them through their paces.

The aim is for the participants to work on their novels and, through the weekly meetings, to make their own progress visible and to critically accompany that of others.

This initiates regular writing practice and increases the participants' own evaluation competence by reading the texts of the other participants.

At the end of each semester, guests from the literary industry are invited to provide students with a professional perspective into the literary world.

Teachers: Christine Lehnen, Verena Koll, Michél Schüler, Mitja Nikolaus, Dr. Stefan Plasa


It is possible to recognise externally acquired competences or practical work experience. Please send us the relevant applications via our contact form.

Contact form »674333

Available Places

The courses of the ÜPB are generally only addressed to undergraduate students of the Faculty of Arts. If you would like to participate in extracurricular courses of the ÜPB as a graduate student, please send your request via our contact form.

Contact form »67544


The courses of the ÜPB are always ungraded and are generally completed with an academic performance, which is a precondition for the award of credit points. For further information please clarify with your instructors.


Portraits of Teachers

Bushra Iqbal-Malik

Bushra Iqbal-Malik has been teaching the national and lingua franca of Pakistan, Urdu, for several years. At the University of Peshawar, she studied Urdu language and literature alongside journalism. As the founder of the Pakistani Womens Writers Forum, she is also socially committed and supports women in writing and intellectual cooperation.

© Universität Bonn

Julian Frederik Nelting

Julian Frederik Nelting combines the experiences of his actor's training with psychology. After graduating from the New Actors Workshop in New York and performing in short films and in the theatre, he has been teaching improvisation at the University of Bonn for several years with a focus on self-awareness, body and sensory perception. With the start of his work at the Gezeiten Haus clinics in Bonn and Wesseling, he has integrated improvisation techniques into the clinical context.  

© Universität Bonn


You would like to contact us? Please use our contact form for further questions about the interdisciplinary praxis area!

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