Faculty Grants for Conferences
At the University of Bonn, there are various ways to obtain a grant for conferences:
- Doctoral workshops1 with international researchers (Argelander program)
- Connect in Science workshop2 for female postdocs (STEP program of the Office for Equal Opportunity and Diversity)
In addition to the central funding lines, the Faculty of Arts can also provide limited funding for the organization of conferences.
Who can apply for a grant?
The following members and affiliates of the Faculty of Arts are eligible to apply:
- Professors who do not have appointment or institute funds for the conference, as well as
- Research assistants,
- Academic employees in third-party funded projects,
- Adjunct professors and
- Doctoral students who are employed at the University of Bonn.
What criteria must be met?
Funding is provided for conferences that
- are held at the University of Bonn,
- present a conclusive cost plan,
- show a recognizable research-added value,
- are sponsored by a reputable third-party funding body. It is sufficient if the application has been submitted. Funding is then subject to approval.
The Faculty of Arts is committed to the University of Bonn's objectives of promoting sustainability in research, teaching, and operations. Therefore, we ask you to take note of the Strategy Paper 20243 and the Guidelines on Sustainability in International Cooperation4. Here you will find, among other things, information on regional and seasonal catering and tips on climate-friendly mobility organization.
We also ask you to observe the University of Bonn's hospitality guidelines5.
Annual deadlines: January 15 / June 15
Applications must be submitted using the application form.
The following must be uploaded with the application form
- Explanation of the project (see download)
- Proof of third-party funding approval or third-party funding application
- (planned) conference program
In the event of approval, proof of the use of the funds must be submitted to the Dean's Office no later than three months after the end of the conference.
Please use our online contact form if you have any questions regarding grants! You will receive a reply as soon as possible.
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/doctoral-students-and-postdocs/during-your-doctorate/support/funding-of-workshops-for-doctoral-students-in-bonn?set_language=en
- https://www.chancengerechtigkeit.uni-bonn.de/en/support-programs/step-program/connect-in-science-workshop?set_language=en
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/about-the-university/sustainable-university/strategiepapier-nachhaltigkeit?set_language=en
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/international/internationales-profil/strategie-zur-internationalisierung-2025/download/ubn-leitfaden-nachhaltigkeit.pdf
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/display/UNISERVICEPORT/Bewirtungskosten
- https://www.philfak.uni-bonn.de/en/faculty/faculty-grants/application-conference-funding
- https://www.philfak.uni-bonn.de/de/fakultaet/zuschuesse/assets/explanation_conference_template.docx
- https://www.philfak.uni-bonn.de/en/contact/contact-form-office-administration