Gender Equality

Gender Equality at the Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts is committed to the declared goals of the University of Bonn's Equal Opportunities Policy and strives for the equal participation of all genders in studies, academics, and services. The Faculty strives to increase the proportion of women* in areas where they have been underrepresented for a considerable time. In disciplines with a consistently overproportional female representation, measures are to be developed to create a balance and attract more men. In all personnel and structural decision-making processes, gender equality, in particular the elimination of existing disadvantages for women*, and the improvement of the compatibility of academics, studies, career, and family should be promoted.

The Faculty Gender Equality Officer and her five deputies ensure that aspects relevant to gender equality are included in the fulfillment of the Faculty's tasks. They are contact persons for all gender equality issues and provide confidential advice and support in cases of sexual discrimination and violence.

The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Arts has set up its own Department for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)1, which is responsible for the conception and coordination of measures and projects aimed at promoting equality, equal opportunities, and anti-discrimination.

Legal Basis, Tasks, and Support Measures

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
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Legal Basis and Tasks

The tasks, rights, and duties of the Equal Opportunities Officer are essentially defined by both the NRW Higher Education Act and the State Equal Opportunities Act.

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Gender Equality Plans of the Departments at the Faculty

Analysis and evaluation of gender-differentiated data, formulation of objectives and strategies to increase the proportion of women in underrepresented fields.

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Faculty Measures and Offers

Workshops, Mentoring, and Training Offers for Women in Studies, Academics, and Administration. Measures to Increase Awareness of Gender Equality.

Anti-discrimination and
Support in cases of sexual harassment and violence

In accordance with the Anti-Discrimination Strategy of the University of Bonn, the Faculty of Arts is committed to counteracting any form of discrimination, sexualized harassment or violence as well as abuse of power that particularly affects women* and to take measures to eliminate them. To this end, the Faculty has drawn up its own Anti-Discrimination Policy in addition to the central guidelines to increase awareness of discrimination and discriminatory behavior among its members and to provide them with knowledge and skills relating to diversity and equality. You will find the relevant links further down on this page.

The central Equal Opportunities Officer as well as the Faculty Equal Opportunities Officers provide confidential advice and support in cases of sexual harassment and violence as well as gender-based discrimination. Confidants who are available to students and employees for initial contact in cases of discrimination, bullying, health restrictions or structural problems have also been appointed at all eleven institutes of the Faculty. They also provide low-threshold assistance and, if necessary, can refer you to competent advice centers at the university.

The Equal Opportunities Team of the Faculty of Arts

Avatar Brandt

Prof. Dr. Carmen Brandt

Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Philosophischen Fakultät | Professorin für Gegenwartsbezogene Südostasienwissenschaft
Avatar Großmann

Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann

Stellv. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Philosophischen Fakultät | Professorin am Institut für Asien wissenschaft
Avatar Hartmann

Prof. Dr. Britta Hartmann

Stellv. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Philosophischen Fakultät | Professorin am Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaften
Avatar Hecke

Marthe-Siobhán Hecke

Stellv. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Phil. Fakultät | Wiss. Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Anglistik, Amerik. und Keltologie
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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Elena Parina

Stellv. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Phil. Fakultät | Professorin am Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie
Avatar Pfalzgraf

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Magdalena Pfalzgraf

Stellv. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Phil. Fakultät | Professorin am Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie
Avatar Pottek

Dr. Martina Pottek

Rererentin für Gleichstellung | Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät

Your contact person for

  • Advice on the faculty's equal opportunity measures
  • Advice on internal and external funding opportunities for young female researchers

Office hours

  • Mon-Fri 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone and in person by prior appointment

Central Contact Points

Central Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Bonn

The Central Equal Opportunities Officer supports and advises the university in implementing the legal Equal Opportunities Mandate. She is involved in structural and development planning as well as in appointment and personnel decisions.

Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunities and Diversity

Equality and Diversity Policy is a strategic management and cross-sectional task at the University of Bonn. The Vice Rector for Equal Opportunities and Diversity ensures that this mission statement is firmly embedded in the management of the university.

Equal Opportunities
and Diversity Unit

The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit at the University of Bonn supports and advises the Rectorate in the (further) development of concepts and strategies. It aims at promoting equal opportunities and diversity.

Office of Family Services Staff Unit

The Office of Family Services Staff Unit contributes to a better balance between academics, career, studies, and family. It provides advice for employees and students at the University of Bonn on all aspects of childcare, maternity leave, parental leave, caring for relatives, and more.

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