Zentrum für Versöhnungsforschung ceremonially opened
„Macht und Herrschaft ist Kommunikation“
Zentrum für Versöhnungsforschung ceremonially opened
Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Arts

Diversity is our strength: the Faculty of Arts forms a dynamic centre working at frontiers of knowledge of humanities.

With more than 10.000 students the Faculty of Arts is the largest among all the seven faculties at the University of Bonn. It consists of eleven institutes1 and eleven interdisciplinary reseach centres2 which perform research activities in humanities and social sciences. In another three joint research centres different collaborative researches are also conducted by the Faculty of Arts and other faculties. A number of museums3 which are affiliated to the faculty constitute our research networks as well.

Nowadays the Faculty of Arts has become a complex union of all philosophical, historical, philological and social science disciplines. Thanks to our professors and lecturers, the teaching and research at the Faculty of Arts remain at forefront in the academic world and enjoy an excellent national and international reputation.

The wide range of disciplines also appears in a large number of diverse research projects. In the eleven research centres there are various research focuses, for instance, area studies, the herritage of antiquity, medieaval studies through transculture comparison, media discourse and media performance in the past and present, Germany and Europe in a global context, etc. Our interdisciplinary research centres coordinate many leading research projects at the Faculty of Arts.

Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät
Kartendaten © OpenStreetMap5
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Space-based infrastructure is crucial to modern societies, supporting navigation, communication, weather forecasting, and military functions. As reliance on ...

Further Contents & Links


Events at the Faculty of Arts

Learn more »15


Overview of the advisory boards at the Faculty of Arts: Faculty Council, Advisory Boards ...

Learn more »16


All institutions at the Faculty of Arts - Dean's Office, our institutes and contact persons

Learn more »17


Do you know our museums? A list of the museums at the Faculty of Arts.

Learn more »3

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