Compensation for Disadvantages

Students with disabilities/chronic illnesses as well as women on maternity leave have the right to compensation for disadvantages

What is Compensation for Disadvantages?

Individual compensation for disadvantages is not a preferential treatment but a contribution to inclusion and equal opportunities. Students with disabilities/chronic illnesses and women on maternity leave have the right to compensation for disadvantages, as stipulated in all examination regulations in force at the Faculty of Arts. Please also consider the relevant FAQ regarding maternity protection.

In principle, students must be capable of acquiring the competencies and qualification objectives required by the respective examination regulations and demonstrating them through examinations. Compensation for disadvantages does not modify "what is being tested" but only "how it is being tested." This means that the form and conditions for acquiring these skills and the corresponding performance assessments can be modified, but not the performance goals themselves.

Consultation Services

For specific advice on applying for compensation for disadvantages at the Faculty of Arts, students should contact Dr. Laura-Marie Schnitzler from the Examination Office. For this purpose, we offer officehours and telephone consultations, which you can find on our contact and advice page. Further general information on the topic of compensation for disadvantages can also be found on the "Studying with Health Impairments" page of the representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, Ms. Marion Becker.


Please use the appropriate form and submit it via the special contact form.

Please submit the application for compensation for disadvantages to the Examination Office as early as possible before the relevant examination dates—approximately 8 weeks in advance. This ensures that the application can be reviewed in a timely manner, and the department has sufficient time for implementation.

Be sure to include a current (not older than six months) medical report that specifies how your chronic illness/disability affects your ability to perform in examinations. Ideally, the report should already provide recommendations for compensation.

Possible Measures

  • Extension of exam writing time
  • Breaks
  • Modification of exam formats (note: only possible if it does not affect the learning objective)
  • Approval of necessary aids
  • Other individual measures possible

Data Protection

Your application will be treated confidentially in the Examination Office. If the application is approved, students will receive an official notice of their compensation for disadvantages by mail to the address they have on file with the Student Secretariat. The notice will outline the individually granted measures for compensation, but it will not contain a medical diagnosis or other personal data. Students can present the notice to their program management and respective instructors if they wish to take advantage of any of the measures. The degree certificate and other official documents from the Examination Office will not reference the compensation for disadvantages.


You can find our telephone numbers and office hours on the "Contact & Advice".
You would like to contact us via this website? Please use the contact form!

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